Updated Covid-19 Response

Updated Covid-19 Response

In an ongoing commitment to the safety of our team and our guests, here is a quick update to our In-Store Play safety guidelines that we released earlier this summer. We will continue to monitor the spread of Covid-19 and its variants as well as the efforts to abate the pandemic, and as necessary update our own protocols.
In Store Play Roll Out

In Store Play Roll Out

It's time. After nearly a year of lockdowns and phased reopenings, and with the continuing rollout of the various forms of vaccine, it's time to reopen our gaming space! It's a big step towards a resumption of normal store activities. But with case counts still higher than we would like, it's a step that comes with a number of precautions. So if you're interested in getting out of the house and enjoying our space for a while, read on to learn about when it's happening, how we're doing it, and what you can expect for safety precautions.
April and May Event Schedules Plus In-Store Play Updates

April and May Event Schedules Plus In-Store Play Updates

We've made it through 2nd March and there's light at the end of our digitally distanced events tunnel, so let's take a moment to talk about the events of April and May! And while we're at it, we'll touch on what the return to in-store play might look like, and when to expect it (spoiler: June-July-ish probably).
November and December Hours Adjustment

November and December Hours Adjustment

Hey folks!  I'll keep this post pretty short, cause honestly there's not a lot to say. Due to the increasing amounts of Covid-19 Infections, and in accordances with Governor Inslee's mandates, we're rolling back our hours beginning Monday, November 16th.
Making Magic At Home

Making Magic At Home

After a long hiatus, we’ve decided to return to the world of magic events….sorta! While we may st...