Magic Academy is Coming to Phoenix!

Magic Academy is Coming to Phoenix!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to play Magic? Maybe you’ve played a game or two, but still consider yourselves a novice. No problem! Welcome to Magic Academy, a new quarterly event host here at Phoenix. Magic Academy is a two-part event that aims to help new players take their first steps into the Magic multiverse with the help of our community!

Innistrad Remastered Drafting Info

Innistrad Remastered Drafting Info

Ready to draft the best parts of Innistrad all wrapped up into one? Join us this month for a special preview weekend of Magic's first set of the year - Innistrad Remastered.

February Look Aheads

February Look Aheads

Hey folks! It’s time for a new round of comics reviews and recommendations. Start the year off right with some brand new comics and get the skinny on the first crossover of the year. All hand selected by your friends on Team Phoenix. 

Phoenix Picks for Best of 2024

Phoenix Picks for Best of 2024

Goodby 2024. Hello 2025! We don’t normally do this, but Nick, Elise, and Sloane all had a bit of extra time at the end of the year this year and realized - this year was a great year for comics. So we said heck with it, and put together a list of some of the ten best new comic series to grace the new comics wall this year. Enjoy!

January Comics Look Aheads

January Comics Look Aheads

Hey folks! It’s time for a new round of comics reviews and recommendations. Start the year off right with some brand new comics, one shots, and graphic novels. All hand selected by your friends on Team Phoenix.