Wilds Of Eldraine Prerelease Information

Wilds Of Eldraine Prerelease Information

The lands of Eldraine have fallen victim to a sleeping curse - the Wicked Slumber! Only you and your fellow planeswalkers can help break  the curse and free the denizens of this plane. To brave this quest, you'll need to venture into the Wilds of Eldraine. Join us this September for a sneak peak at the set, and a chance to play with these cards before anyone else!
Phoenix Feedback: Takeaways and Changes

Phoenix Feedback: Takeaways and Changes

Hey there folks! We’ve reviewed your feedback and heard you loud and clear. Let’s talk about what we heard, good and bad, and how we’re working with your feedback to make our events even better than before.
Phoenix Competitive Double-Header

Phoenix Competitive Double-Header

Maaagic Players! We’ve got not one, but two competitive-level Magic events coming up this August. If you’re planning to attend Laughing Dragon’s Magic Experience event down in Tacoma, or if you’re still looking to qualify for the Dreamhack Regional Championship in Atlanta later this year, have a look! Details on both events are below.
Commander Masters Draft Info

Commander Masters Draft Info

Ready to play with some of Magic’s greatest hits from its biggest format? Commander Masters offers you the chance to do just that! With powerful reprints and new cards, this draft format will have you wishing you could draft it just one more time. But like all Masters style sets, this one’s limited in quantity and availability. So take a moment, familiarize yourself with the set and the way it’s drafted, then head over to our events page and preregister for one of our preview events today!
Looking for Feedback

Looking for Feedback

Attention all events attendees! We’re taking the month of July to get a little feedback about our in-store events and how we might make them better. To that end, we’ve got a couple of surveys for you. Fill em out, get entered into a chance to win $50 in store credit, and help us shape the future of events here at Phoenix!