April Comics Look Ahead
April is just around the corner, which means it's time for another round of reviews, recommendations and general comics fun from your friends on Team Phoenix. This month's comics are brought to you by Sloane, Elise, and Nick! Read on and see if something catches your eye.
March Comic Highlights
Hey there Phoenix Friends! March is here and it's got some really fun and awesome titles that we wanted to showcase, but we're a little bit behind schedule. So in lieu of our usual March Look Aheads (which should have gone out last month) please accept these highlights for new series and trades that are due out this month! - Nick
Phoenix March Updates
Hello there Phoenix Friends! Nick here with a few updates and notes about some of the industry changes currently occurring. If you're a subscriber or a long-time customer, please give this post a quick read so that you can stay informed and up to date on the situation as it evolves.
February Look Aheads
Hey folks! It’s time for a new round of comics reviews and recommendations. Start the year off right with some brand new comics and get the skinny on the first crossover of the year. All hand selected by your friends on Team Phoenix.
Phoenix Picks for Best of 2024
Goodby 2024. Hello 2025! We don’t normally do this, but Nick, Elise, and Sloane all had a bit of extra time at the end of the year this year and realized - this year was a great year for comics. So we said heck with it, and put together a list of some of the ten best new comic series to grace the new comics wall this year. Enjoy!