Secret Lairs and Mystery Boxes, Your Questions Answered!
Hey there folks! We’ve gotten a ton of requests and questions regarding the Secret Lairs Ultimate Edition boxes and the Mystery Booster boxes coming our way. Let’s talk about how you can get signed up for preorders for them!
Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition
Since these were announced there have been no shortage to the questions. How many did we get? When can we preorder them? How much will they cost? We’ve taken my time in answering these because we have been trying to figure out the right way to distribute these to our customers. It took us a bit, but we think we’ve settled on a way that feels fair and right to us. So let’s answer the afformentioned questions:
How many did we get?
We were allocated 22 sets. Of those 22, we’re choosing to open 15 of them for preorder divided across multiple dates (see below). We’re also going to take 3 more of our allocation and offer them for sale to folks who’ve gone out of their way to support the store over the last few months. Finally, we’ll be taking the last four to set aside for tournament prizes once the store reopens for in-shop events.
When can we preorder them?
Mark your calendars for May 8th, May 18th, and May 25th! Those will be the dates when we release product. Follow us on one of our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Discord, and Slack - use our contact to get entry into that last one), and we’ll give you a half hour heads up that day when they’ll be made available.
How much will they cost?
We’re going to vary the cost dependent on the speed at which they sell out. We’re going to start the first wave at $300 / set (limit 1 set per person each time).
Mystery Boosters Restock
In a move to support local game stores everywhere, Wizards of the Coast has opted to gift us all with an allocation of mystery boosters! And in a similar vein to the secret lair ultimate editions, we’ve gotten a lot of questions about when they’ll be made available. While we don’t know the estimated re-release date for these, we will start making preorders available soon. Here’s some details:
How many did we get? (And how are we using them?)
Our final allocation for these was 18 boxes. We’re going to make 12 of them available for preorder (limit 2-per-customer), and we’re going to hold the other 6 boxes back for drafting in-store once in-store play resumes.
When can I preorder these?
We’ll put these up online at some point during the day on May 4th. Follow us on one of our social media accounts and we’ll announce thing when preorders will go up about half an hour in advance.
How much will they cost?
In order to assist us during this time, we are raising the price slightly, to $140 per box.
And there you have it folks! Hopefully a lot of your Mystery Booster Box and Secret Lair Ultimate edition questions answered. Thank you again for your continued support of us, and we'll see you again soon!