Phoenix RPG Fair Information

Phoenix RPG Fair Information

Calling all DMs, GMs, storytellers and scribes! We here at Phoenix Comics & Games seek to match you with a group of creative and cunning players. Together you'll embark on adventures, mysteries, and mayhem! Welcome to our very first Phoenix RPG Fair!

RPG Faire Details

First thing's first - let's make sure all the top-line details are in one place, shall we?

Deadline for GM Table Submissions: August 19

Date: August 21

Time: 1-5 PM

Now then, let's talk about what we're up to with this event!

So what is an RPG Fair anyways? 

Our RPG fair is an answer to one of the most common questions we get at the store - "Where can I find a group to play RPGs with?" We thought it'd be fun to put together a bit of an RPG mixer, to put GMs and players in the same room, give them the tools to put a successful group together, and do what we can as a store to support those groups!

So if you're interested in participating, read on! We have a short section for prospective GMs and another one for players. We'll talk about what you might want to bring with you, and how to make the best use of the event!

GM Information

Alrighty GMs, you're up first. Maybe you've got a very specific idea for a game, or maybe you've just been looking for an opportunity to try something new. Heck, you could just really want to run an old favorite module right outta the book. All of these approaches are valid and welcome at the Fair.

What you'll need / Things to consider:

  • Prepare your pitch! We'll provide the blurb you submit in the form, but make sure you know what you want to say to prospective players. Feel free to bring it written or printed for others to read, on notecards for yourself, or just in your head!
  • Consider the Content. Is your game going to involve mature themes? That's okay by us, but make sure your players know!
  • Think about when you'll play. Make sure you have a dedicated weekend or weeknight available or in mind. 
  • Bring the basic books. Please bring a player's guide or core rulebook for the system you're planning to use! Any other additional splat-books or sourcebooks are also welcome.
  • Get creative! We encourage you to bring maps, props, and other art to illustrate and present your campaign! You'll have a table to make use of however you see fit.
  • Join our discord. Don't be afraid to use our server to help organize your players and coordinate schedules. We've got rooms available for voice chatting and a dedicated space for RPG chat.
  • Fill out our GM Fair questionnaire. This will give us an idea for how many tables to set aside, and what other materials we can prepare for you ahead of time.

The sign up deadline is August 19th! After that, we'll review all the responses from GMs and prep some signs for each of you, along with some flyers for your tables. We'll also provide sign-up lists for interested players.

Player Information

Alright players, your turn! We'll be giving GMs a chance to show you their stuff, so we need you to be here too. Please be considerate of the time and effort each of them went through to be here. 

Here's stuff to for you to consider / Stuff to bring:

  • What's your availability? Most games run weekly or bi-weekly. Is that something you could commit to doing?
  • How long of a campaign are you in for? Are you looking for a short 3-6 month thing, or something longer?
  • Do you have a character idea or concept you want to use? Write down notes for that character! What are their desires, needs, and goals? What genres of games will they fit into?
  • Bring Pens, Paper, Dice. We'll have some pens and paper available at each table, and dice (for sale) of course, but it never hurts to bring your own!

Signing up at a table does not mean you are required to join any campaign! Organizing and discussion can happen in our Discord, and the lists are so that GMs can be in touch with you. You can sign up for and attend as many campaigns as you'd like as long as they all work with everyone's schedules.

After the fair and once all campaigns are organized and set to fire, we suggest that you host at least the first 3-5 sessions in our store before groups discuss moving to another location. Give things time to cement into place, and please respect the wishes of players and GMs who do not wish to attend in private settings. Remember, virtual sessions are still a thing that can happen.

Can't make this event? Not sure if you can commit right now? Don't worry! You can always ask around in the discord server a few days afterwards. Plus, these fairs will be held every 2-3 months in the store. Keep your eyes peeled for another one of these blog posts with information on the next one. We hope to see you then!