Mystery Boosters are coming to Phoenix!

Mystery Boosters are coming to Phoenix!

You read that title correctly. Mystery boosters are a coming to your FLGS this March! And as one of the newest perks for being a WPN Premium store, we're going to be hosting a special release weekend sealed event to kick off the retail release of this new set.

Mystery Boosters – What are they?

If you’re not familiar with Mystery boosters, here’s the short form (you can read the long-form answer here). Mystery boosters are a re-print only set designed to give players a chaos draft style of experience. With a card list of 1,694 cards pluuuuus a list of 121 possible foils, it’s possible to draft this set many many times and still not see duplicated cards. 

Mystery booster cards also look like original printing versions of themselves, right down to the set symbol and card numbering. The only way to tell the difference is by a small planeswalker symbol in the bottom left corner. 

Archangel Mystery Booster Card

Mystery Booster Release Weekend Event Information

Given that mystery boosters aren’t you usual magic set, we’re gonna be running the release weekend event in a similar non-usual fashion!

  • Date: Saturday, March 14, 2020
  • Start Time: 11 AM (Deck Construction begins at this time)
  • Format: Sealed Deck* (more on that below)
  • Tournament Style: Bracketed Double Elimination
  • Entry Fee: $35 (tax included)
  • Prizes: Additional Mystery Boosters + Theros Beyond Death Foil and Non-Foil Promo Packs

Okay, so everything above was the short form for what’s going on during this event. Let’s run down the details of how things will go.

Players will each receive 4 booster packs from which to build their initial deck. After each round, players will an additional Mystery booster to add to their pool. Players who make it through all 6 rounds will wind up with a total of 9 mystery boosters!

In addition to the large sealed pool, we’ll be giving away a bunch of Theros Beyond Death Non-Foil and Foil Promo packs to people who make it as far as Round 3 and 6 respectively. 

Sound like fun? You can preregister for this event as early as Sunday, March 1st!