April and May Event Schedules Plus In-Store Play Updates

April and May Event Schedules Plus In-Store Play Updates

We've made it through 2nd March and there's light at the end of our digitally distanced events tunnel, so let's take a moment to talk about the events of April and May! And while we're at it, we'll touch on what the return to in-store play might look like, and when to expect it (spoiler: June-July-ish probably).
Strixhaven Prerelease Primer

Strixhaven Prerelease Primer

Pack up your textbooks and scrolls! It’s time for us to go visit an esteemed college of mages. Five of them actually! Strixhaven arrives in stores on April 23, but you can get a sneak peak at this set beginning April 16th by attending one of our three prerelease events. Read on to find out more about our events plus a number of changes in the works for preorders!