Phoenix October Store Championship!

Phoenix October Store Championship!

Fall is here, and with it one final opportunity to crown one last Phoenix Champion of 2022. Brush up on your Dominaria United, crack open some new sleeves and prepare for some heavyweight competition as befits the Phoenix Store Championship!

Phoenix Store Championship Tournament Info

Let's start with the basics. Here's all the time/date/format information you'll need to decide if competing in the event is up your alley:

  • Date: October 22, 2022
  • Day of Registration: 10 - 11 AM
  • Player Meeting: 11-11:05 AM
  • Deck Registration Begins: 11:06 AM
  • Round One Begins: 12 PM
  • Format: Dominaria United Sealed
  • Entry Fee: $45
  • Max Rounds: 5 (Plus a cut to the top 8 and draft)
  • REL: Competitive (Decklists required)
  • Player Cap: 32

Safety information: Masks continue to be required to play. Non-Alcoholic drinks, water bottles, etc, are permitted inside the store, but food is not. For more information please see our Covid-19 response here.


You can preregister for this event now! Preregistration is open over on our event calendar, or you can click this handy link to go right to the tickets.

Rules Enforcement Level - Competitive

If this is your first competitive event in a while (or ever), then congratulations! You're taking your first step into a wider world of competitive Magic. If you haven't already done so, you should familiarize yourself with some of the ways competitive rules enforcement (Comp REL) differs from your weekly FNM matches or friendly casual games.

First, for limited events like this one, there's a deck registration process that will have to be followed. This process will be presided over by either the tournament organizer or head judge for the event, so don't worry if you haven't done this part before. Players will open their sealed pools in front of an opponent, then swap pools with their opponent and register the cards in each others' pools on a deck registration sheet. This process usually takes 20-25 minutes,

Then, those pools will be handed back to the player who opened them, and that player will have another 20-25 minutes to review their card pools and build their decks. Whatever they build will need to be registered on the deck reg sheet as well. Once submitted, that is the deck the player is expected to present at the beginning of the match for the rest of the swiss rounds of play.

Players are also expected to be familiar with the Magic Tournament Rules and the Infraction Protocol Guide. Our intent here is to protect the interests of all players by providing tournament integrity while also recognizing that not all players are intimately familiar with tournament structure, proper procedures, and rules. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide.


This event will have prizes in the form of store credit based on attendance and promos exclusive to the store championship!

Store Credit 

Each player who enters the event will increase the available prize pool for store credit. At the current cap of 32 players, here's what that looks like for prizes:

  • 1st Place: $150
  • 2nd Place: $125
  • 3rd & 4th Place: $75
  • 5th - 8th Place: $50

Store Championship Promos

Promos for this event will come in three tiers - participation, top 8, and winner! This time around the participation promo is Spell Pierce, the top 8 promo is Gilded Goose, and to the winner goes a beautiful full art Omnath, Locus of Creation.

And that's not all! Due to a glitch in the production of these promos, players in the top 8 and the winning player will receive both a foil and non-foil copy of the gilded goose and omnath respectively. The non-foil copies will have our name on them, making them unique and highly sought after in the Phoenix community (plus imagine the bragging rights next time you play one at a local event). 

Psyched to play? Head over to the calendar and preregister now to lock in your slot for this weekend's event! We'll see you at 11 AM Saturday morning!